Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Unhappy Anniversaries
Today is a hard for me for a few reasons I won't share. It occurs to me it has been awhile since I loved myself. I need to get back there before anything can change.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I can't take any more!
So in the last couple weeks there has been so much craziness in my life and literally if some one gives me one more thing to deal with I might have a heart attack. I have 2 family members (aunt and grandma) in hospitals in bad shape. I have so many money worries that I might need to start borrowing against my retirement fund. Then I am only steps away from panhandling on the metropolitan corners of downtown Loveland. My BFF is going into labor (yes, I have a million pregnant friends) I would give anything to be on my way to Wichita right now to be with her but I can't. I have a precious cousin who wants to leave a neighboring town to go live with my parents, where I would see much less of her, which would seriously bum me out. Last but not least my first big job opportunity since the evil company that has been stringing me along for almost 2 months, has presented itself. It would require something like an hour and 20 minute commute each way. It would be really great but I would really like something closer.
Friday, September 19, 2008
tri-partisan system
Today I was talking to one of my sisters. We were discussing in particular how we weren't really happy with either candidate running for president. She is a pretty hard core "republican" and I have always considered my self an Independent but usually tend to side with the right because I want Uncle Sam to keep his hand out of my wallet. Payne and I think there needs to be a third party: The Common Sense Party. We decided on a few tenants of our new party.
We the Common Sense Party believe these things should be done:
1) Legalize Gay Marriage: Why not let same sex unions benefit from the same privileges every other citizen has the right to. If marriage is so sacred a union why do half of all marriages end in divorce.
2) Get rid of the IRS: how much does our country spend each year just to keep this complicated system running? Shut it down, hike up sales taxes giving every one a tax rebate for the essentials. News flash-people who make more money will spend more and be taxed more.
3) Abolish abstinence only sex education: I think we all know that people will continue to have sex whether we say it is bad or not. What we can do is provide information and effective available contraception (at a reasonable age-no handing out condoms in kindergarten classrooms) so we can have fewer unplanned pregnancies, increase adoption education so that hopefully we will do away with the need for abortions. Abortion is something the CS Party is very against.
4) Legalize Marijuana and Prostitution (Yes, we went there): Regulate and tax that shit!
5) No universal health care: The CS party like low taxes and that will only increase taxes.
6) No child left behind should be left behind: 'Nuff said
7) Don't Kill people: we feel this is a very simple statement, we are anti-abortion, anti-capital punishment and we would like to prevent wars as much as possible (people tend to get killed).
Well those are the 7 tenants I recall. It was a pretty long conversation so I probably missed some if you have any suggestions to add let me know and I'll consider adding them.
We the Common Sense Party believe these things should be done:
1) Legalize Gay Marriage: Why not let same sex unions benefit from the same privileges every other citizen has the right to. If marriage is so sacred a union why do half of all marriages end in divorce.
2) Get rid of the IRS: how much does our country spend each year just to keep this complicated system running? Shut it down, hike up sales taxes giving every one a tax rebate for the essentials. News flash-people who make more money will spend more and be taxed more.
3) Abolish abstinence only sex education: I think we all know that people will continue to have sex whether we say it is bad or not. What we can do is provide information and effective available contraception (at a reasonable age-no handing out condoms in kindergarten classrooms) so we can have fewer unplanned pregnancies, increase adoption education so that hopefully we will do away with the need for abortions. Abortion is something the CS Party is very against.
4) Legalize Marijuana and Prostitution (Yes, we went there): Regulate and tax that shit!
5) No universal health care: The CS party like low taxes and that will only increase taxes.
6) No child left behind should be left behind: 'Nuff said
7) Don't Kill people: we feel this is a very simple statement, we are anti-abortion, anti-capital punishment and we would like to prevent wars as much as possible (people tend to get killed).
Well those are the 7 tenants I recall. It was a pretty long conversation so I probably missed some if you have any suggestions to add let me know and I'll consider adding them.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
In no particular order
a list of things which people have told me I'm good at:
- Playing Tetris
- Singing
- Being a good friend
- Kissing
- Baking kick ass cookies
and last but not least:
-Interview for jobs
I have been told by many people that I may have been the best person at interviewing they have interviewed. So why I ask, do I still have no job???
- Playing Tetris
- Singing
- Being a good friend
- Kissing
- Baking kick ass cookies
and last but not least:
-Interview for jobs
I have been told by many people that I may have been the best person at interviewing they have interviewed. So why I ask, do I still have no job???
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Get over it
Dan Savage says it is a good rule of thumb is that it takes one third of the time you were with someone to be fully over the relationship. I think that sucks, because I get a whopping 8 or 9 months to get over Tim. Yesterday it was exactly 2 months. It sometimes still seems completely strange and foreign. I feel still like I may wake up and it will all be a dream and I will be back in California.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My name is Alyce and I approved this message
I have said before that I am somewhat apathetic about the upcoming election. I am not really a fan of either of the presidential candidates and I feel when I pick one I will just be trying for who would screw up the country least. This will only be the second presidential election that I have been able to vote in and so maybe before that I didn't pay as much attention. Or possibly I have forgotten what it is like to watch television since I haven't had one in so long, but I can hardly make it through my beloved House MD with out wanting to scream at the TV. I hate all the ads: "Obama will raise taxes and isn't ready to lead" "Can we afford 4 more years of the same with McCain?" Holy smear campaigns, Batman! Can the candidate in their million dollar advertisements take a moment to tell me what they want to do instead of how horrible their competition is. I have to tell you, Their plan is working! I think they both suck. I did vote in the primary election and did not vote for either of these 2. While I am excited that we have a woman running for vice president because I tend to believe women have a lot of common sense and having raised 5 children I can bet she helped negotiate a lot of things and didn't encourage any of her children to go to war against the others. I am just so tired of the election and we still have to go through 2 months of this shit!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Tour de Fat

This was my first time even hearing about Tour de Fat in Fort Collins. I lived in Fort collins from the age of 5 to 16 and some how missed out on this wonder of my home town. My cousin, Ellen, asked me to go check it out with her so that we could decide if we wanted to participate next year. The answer to that is a resounding "Yes!" We discussed various costume options for the whole clan, but we have an entire year to plan. I have to also procure a bicycle during this time. This will be my 3rd bike of the year. After having on stolen and leaving another in the care of Tim in California I am going to be very choosy and make sure that I have a good lock for it. I will try to upload some actual pictures of this weeks Tour de Fat in the next few days, but in the mean time tune in next week when I discuss why strangers can't keep their hands off pregnant women's tummies which my pregnant best friend has asked me to discuss.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Career Change
So I believe this is the longest I have been jobless in my entire life. I am now going on over a month with no income. Picking up and moving cross country on no notice sucks like that. So with all the trouble I am having getting back into a job in my chosen profession, I have picked a few alternatives to start researching if worse comes to worst.
1) Cryptozoologist- I will go hang out in jungles and look for things like the Loch Ness monster and el Chupa Cabra. Hey I sure hope there is no special degree needed for this.
2) Professional Dominatrix- according to my favorite blogger Dan Savage, for this career to be legal there is no sexual contact. I would get to put hot boots and be mean to men (I think I am at a good place it my life for the man hating).
3) The next Ace of Cakes- I love to bake. Cake is good. There is no bad here. Now if you have eaten one of my cakes you might say, yes delicious but not beautiful, so I might need to work on this a little.
Let me know if there are any other alternative careers I am missing.
1) Cryptozoologist- I will go hang out in jungles and look for things like the Loch Ness monster and el Chupa Cabra. Hey I sure hope there is no special degree needed for this.
2) Professional Dominatrix- according to my favorite blogger Dan Savage, for this career to be legal there is no sexual contact. I would get to put hot boots and be mean to men (I think I am at a good place it my life for the man hating).
3) The next Ace of Cakes- I love to bake. Cake is good. There is no bad here. Now if you have eaten one of my cakes you might say, yes delicious but not beautiful, so I might need to work on this a little.
Let me know if there are any other alternative careers I am missing.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Sarah is the Man!
So I'm am getting a little crabby about all the guff Sarah Palin is getting with her VP nomination. But she doesn't have enough experience! If we are all behind a man running with only 3 years of being in the senate what is wrong with the idea of someone who has been a governor for 2. I am sorry but I like the idea of a Washington outsider being considered for this office. Something the McCain ticket is not lacking is experience...McCain sat next to Jesus in the third grade. The man is as old as dirt and been through it all. We add to the ticket someone who has not been corrupted by Washington and I think we have something. The first thing Sarah Palin did as governor of Alaska was sell the governor's private jet because that was a silly expense. She has been a mom of 5 children one of whom has downes syndrome, and been the governor of the country's largest state. I think she makes a pretty cool addition to the republican ticket. It is about time we have a woman in this high profile office (that isn't Hillary). You go Sarah...I think you rock!
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