This was my first time even hearing about Tour de Fat in Fort Collins. I lived in Fort collins from the age of 5 to 16 and some how missed out on this wonder of my home town. My cousin, Ellen, asked me to go check it out with her so that we could decide if we wanted to participate next year. The answer to that is a resounding "Yes!" We discussed various costume options for the whole clan, but we have an entire year to plan. I have to also procure a bicycle during this time. This will be my 3rd bike of the year. After having on stolen and leaving another in the care of Tim in California I am going to be very choosy and make sure that I have a good lock for it. I will try to upload some actual pictures of this weeks Tour de Fat in the next few days, but in the mean time tune in next week when I discuss why strangers can't keep their hands off pregnant women's tummies which my pregnant best friend has asked me to discuss.
If it makes you feel any better, I lived in Fort Collins from age 0 to 18 and don't know anything about it! :o)
kari, that does make me feel a little better...I am such a bum I keep meaning to call you.
Don't worry - you're not a bum! Call me whenever you have time and feel up to it. :o) I've been pretty busy with closing on a house, figuring out paint and carpet, trying to pack up my current house, working alot, and feeling nauseous much of the time. So... no worries! :o) We'll get together one of these days!
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