Monday, July 30, 2007


It has long been my philoshopy that journaling is very healthy and helps you maintain your sanity. I have lost my sanity recently and so I've decided to try and blog more often for those of you who read this. Also I will actually write in my personal journal (something I have only done twice since moving to california). I just need to put it back in my routine.

On the work front, I'm now in my second week of work at my new firm. Last week was just bordem and not knowing what to do but now I feel I have a little more direction and I at least have my study materials for the series 7. I also sucessfully asked for the friday off before labor day so I'm going to Oregon for that weekend with Tim and his family.

To bed I go, but check back soon for more updates :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Friday is Magic for Muggles!

I'm having mixed fellings as we approach the end happy that we'll know but sad that there won't be any more. I am refering to the last Harry Potter book (I'm being completely upfront about my dorkiness here). I also decided to go stand in line at midnight tomorrow so I can start reading earlier and finish over the weekend before I have to go back to WORK on monday.
Oh yes folks that was no typo, I did get that job and I actually heard back the very next day, so I am getting back into the grind after being unemployed for 2 months now. I'm nervous and excited all at once. Now all I have to do is get the guts up to ask for the friday before labor day weekend off so I can go with Tim to meet his parents.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Tick fricken tock! So Friday is the big day I find out from this super fantastic firm if the want me or not (I won't mention company names in my blog but I promise you've heard of it.) It is so hard to have an exact date and then comes the waiting. The exciting news is that if I get it then I will pack up my bags and go to Colorado for 5 days, if not I'm staying here to take the county's civil service exam. I'm trying to talk Tim into going to CO with me so I can show off my child hood. I met his niece so now it's time for him to meet my Katelyn, Tony and Michael. Oh and I threw in another picture from Lisa's visit, it is me and Tim and the japanese tea garden in Golden Gate Park.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I cannot be trusted... blog in a timely fashion. even as I am unemployed and should have an abundance of time on my hands I seems to always have something to do. A month has passed and yes I still have not found gainful employment. I do have volunteer work I have been doing with a homeless women's drop in center, which has been rewarding and fun. I've missed volunteering since I left home. I especially miss the staff at LCM.
In other news, recently we had our first house guest since moving in to our new house, my best roommate ever from the college program came to stay with us for just under a week and while Lisa was here we also got to go see Ali in the City while he was there for a wedding. It was a nice mainstreet reunion. I will post some more pictures once I get them from Lisa, I gave up on my camera after a while out of sheer laziness. I will try and write again soon, I've sat down numerous times trying to blog and even have some drafts to finish one of these days but until then.