Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Fail At Life

Yesterday getting home from work at about 20 past 11, I decide to go ahead and get my mail. I do this mainly because there are 2 things I'm waiting for: Tax return stuff and grad school stuff. Well I got my first response on the latter. A big fat rejection from K-State. Now did I really want to head back to Kansas? Maybe, maybe not....but c'mon, K-State is my alma mater. If any school should want me as a grad student it should be K-State didn't I already give them tons of money for my undergraduate degree...they know I'm good for the cash!!! I still have 2 schools I haven't heard from yet, but this was sort of a punch in the face or the gut. I feel sort of queazy. I'm afraid my next career move will include the phrase "would you like fries with that?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not in this life!