"when one door closes another opens"...yes yes I've heard it, it's been a main theme in my life since yesterday, that and "it's for the best", and "you didn't really like that job anyway." My very favorite was "Do you want to go on vacation?" that was from my own dear, sweet Tim upon hearing the news between my tears and gulps for breath.
Overqualified. I've taken my time looking for the "right" job knowing that I had this one which I was good at I had been there for years and I had good benefits with. My biggest fear now is having to find another "in between" job. No one wants a bank teller with a bachelors degree in finance. Cold, cold world here I come.
PS this is a cute picture of Tim and I and his niece to brighten up this sad post.

1 comment:
Aaryn -
I am so sorry to hear about your job! I know none of those "words of comfort" help, and I know how much job-hunting sucks. I will keep you in my prayers though and hope things start looking up for you.
- Kari
(his neice is a cutie!)
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