A whirlwind two months...sorry for the lack of updates but I have been super busy, super stressed and most of the time way too emotional and as always borderline crazy. So I have met Tim's family (on a vacation in Oregon), become a registered representative and celebrated my one year anniversary with Tim (for which we went to Santa Barbara for the weekend) in that order. Work is, let's just say, challenging. I'm not convinced at all that this is what I want to do. For the moment though it is a good expirience to have.
So other than that what have I been upto? I have been taking in my spare time a tax prep class (hoping that I will be able to increase my cash flow during tax season-however it still has yet to be approved by Manager) and I have also begun my training to be a track star. Ok I'm kidding (sorta) Kel and I have been talking about it for awhile now but we are going to make it happen: The Walt Disney World Half Marathon in January 2009. So I literally have been "training" I've never really run at any point in my life so I'm trying this whole walk for awhile, then run for a while, repeat routine (my hip hurts by the way.) I have over a year so I know I can do it. I'll try to get some vacation pics up net time.